Year 1 have settled into learning on the Google Classroom with great enthusiasm. We started our week celebrating one boy’s sixth birthday, and several boys made green hearts for their windows and did paintings for his birthday on Wednesday. Our form room has been very busy! Lots of boys have made videos or taken photos to show me how things move when you push or pull and there has been some good work in Humanities learning about the world’s continents. Some boys have produced colourful, well-labelled maps. Our English work this week has focused on the story ‘Man in the Moon’. Bob is very unobservant and the boys have written super character descriptions of him, trying to use lots of different adjectives. They also imagined their own journey to the moon and tried to sequence their events. In Maths we have been adding and subtracting tens and investigating with dice. I have been very impressed with all the parents who have readily uploaded work each day so that I can provide feedback. Several boys have entered videos for the smoothie challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes of next week’s challenge.
Categories: School News