students in class


A Reflection from Reception

8th December 2021

What a wonderful term we have had at BPS.  We have been so busy in Reception and this week thought about all the things that we have enjoyed since starting…

Exam Ready!

6th December 2021

As we approach the end of this busy term, I believe that one year group in particular have grown to know what self-motivation and discipline look like on a daily…

Magical Music at BPS

25th November 2021

At Buckingham Prep, Choir is an after school club open to years 3 to 6 boys who enjoy singing with friends and developing their voices. The Christmas is a very…

Anti Bullying Week

17th November 2021

This week at school has been “Anti-bullying week.” The children have had an assembly reminding them about the correct way to make decisions and just how important it is to…

Pre-School Present The Gruffalo

10th November 2021

This week has been a very exciting week in Pre School as they have been learning about the story “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson. In Literacy the children have been…

The Lunar Lander – Year 4 Steam Day Mission

5th November 2021

This term, Year 4 have been learning about Space and different Astronauts. To expand their learning, they were set a mission by Miss Chohan to create a ‘Lunar Lander.’ This…

Black History Month

15th October 2021

Black History has been celebrated by the whole school this month and such a range of learning activities have taken fruition. The children were presented with some thought provoking assemblies…

Local Architecture Exploration 

8th October 2021

Year 1 went on an explorative walk around the neighbourhood. The trip introduced their upcoming Architecture project in Art & Design and tied in with their learning about towns in Geography….

European Language Day 2021

1st October 2021

On Wednesday we celebrated European Language Day, the school was flooded with colour as each class dressed in the colours of a different European flag. We kickstarted the day with…

An Admirable Nature of Collaboration in Year 2

24th September 2021

Friendship, Teamwork and Collaboration have all been key words in Year 2 this week. Since the beginning of the term Year 2 have been discussing how to work well with…

Day in the Life
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