students in class

Anti Bullying Week

Posted: 17th November 2021

This week at school has been “Anti-bullying week.” The children have had an assembly reminding them about the correct way to make decisions and just how important it is to make sure to always tell an adult if they see or experience anything. This has also been linked to our circle time and PSHEE lessons this week. The year 6 boys especially enjoyed their “buddy time” with reception and pre-school this week, going through with them the importance of kindness and helping one another, also linking to our themed non uniform day today to raise money for Children in Need. The cakes and biscuits were enjoyed by all, all for a good cause! Years 5+6 also took part in the Primary Maths Competition this week, congratulations to all the boys in getting through a very demanding and challenging paper! Fingers crossed they will get through to the next round, due to take place in February 2022! What a busy week!

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