students in class


And So It Begins…

9th September 2021

As the students entered back through the red doors of BPS for the Autumn Term, the building was struck with excitement. Smiling faces in every corridor, every classroom, growing even…

The Adventure at Longridge, Year 6 Residential Trip

2nd July 2021

Last week saw our Year 6 boys enjoying their residential trip to Longridge, Marlow. It was a well-deserved trip away at the end of a busy school year and a…

What have our Year 1s been up to?

25th June 2021

Year 1 have been very busy this term across all subjects. In RE they have been finding out about special places and celebrations. In our most recent topic, Year 1…

Royal Academy Exhibition Success & Expressive Arts Week

17th June 2021

Expressive Arts Week 2021 A sensational week of creative extravaganzas. Some exceptional singing performances, mix ups, mash ups, covers and more. Voices of angels delivering unique takes on pop culture and…

Junior Sports Day

11th June 2021

For the Junior Sports Day, each boy in Years 3-6 participated in four events: two track and two field events. As is normal on such occasions, the competition between the…

A ‘Chic’ Week For Our Reception Students

27th May 2021

This has been a very busy week in Reception.  On Wednesday we had our class assembly and have been busy preparing for the special day.  Our theme linked into our…

The Big Ask

20th May 2021

This week BPS boys took part in The Big Ask. This is a nationwide survey organised by the new children’s commissioner, Rachel de Souza. The Big Ask is a survey…

Penguin Random House or BPS Year 6?

14th May 2021

Did you know that brazil nuts are a sustainable rainforest resource?  Over the past few weeks Year 6 have been rather busy in their English lessons. As a class they…

A Scientific Spectacular

7th May 2021

On Tuesday 4th May,  Science week began at Buckingham Prep School with our theme this year being ‘Innovating for the Future’. All boys were introduced to our theme through a…

Observing The Nature Around Us

28th April 2021

As the Science topic for this term in Year 3 is Plants, what better way to begin our learning but to take a walk around the school grounds and local…

Day in the Life
Explore our fantastic school