students in class

Speech Night, Year 6 Final Assembly and Pre-School Prize Giving

Posted: 30th June 2023

students in church

Wow, the penultimate week of the Summer term at BPS has been an exceptionally rewarding, reflective and emotional. Celebrating the successes of our students in all aspects of school life. Each event proving how far the boys have come as individuals.

On Tuesday, speech night, a beautiful occasion where our choirs filled the church with the most beautiful songs and our head boy and headmaster delivered some inspiring and entertaining speeches.

On Thursday, Pre-School had their own prize-giving ceremony, where they were able to celebrate the monumental steps they have made in their first year of education and sang songs of their excitement for their next steps into Reception.

On Friday we celebrated Year 6’s final class assembly. All aspects of the assembly from the performance to the video, the powerpoint and the scripts, were all directed by the students themselves and we were all moved by the performance.

We are so proud of each and every one of our students and how they have conducted themselves this week.


Well done!

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