A Trip To Legoland With Year 1!

Posted: 24th May 2024

students at legoland

On Monday Year One enjoyed a very sunny day at Legoland Windsor. From the moment they stepped inside they were mesmerised by the Lego creations filling the park.


This trip tied in to the ‘Our World’ topic we have been covering in Humanities. In our workshop the boys had the chance to explore and create landmarks that we had been discussing in class. The leader loved the Taj Mahal creation so much she kept it to put on display!


The boys were also fascinated by Miniland where they could run around and spot more iconic landmarks made entirely of Lego. The fun didn’t stop there as they also enjoyed plenty of the rides the park had to offer.


After a very busy morning they had built up quite an appetite. We headed over to the puppet stand to enjoy lunch and a show! The retelling of Rapunzel turned out to be a highlight of the day for some of the class.


To finish off the day we enjoyed some more rides and a lovely train ride around the park before it was time to head back to school.

Year One thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Legoland and are all hoping to return soon!


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