students in class

How did Year 1 spend Children’s Mental Health Week?

Posted: 7th February 2020

This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week.  Year 1 have been getting involved in a range of activities to talk about the well-being of their minds and discussing their emotions.  On Tuesday, we had a mindfulness workshop.  We did some Tai-chi and listening activities.  Then we discussed how feelings could be related to colours and made a rainbow stone to help us with meditation and deep breathing.  Later in the week we did music and mindfulness colouring and some of the boys talked about how they were using colours that felt calm to them and matched the music. One of our lessons talked about how everyone is amazing and we all wore special stickers as we explored different ways that we are all amazing.  The week finished in quiet Zen meditation and listening exercises to relax our minds and bodies and help us to process all that we have learnt this week. We were glad to also have Year 2 join us for this last relaxing activity.

Well done Year 1; Mrs Stoneman is very proud of all of you for your insightful thoughts and ideas this week.

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