students in class

A Scientific Spectacular

Posted: 7th May 2021

On Tuesday 4th May,  Science week began at Buckingham Prep School with our theme this year being ‘Innovating for the Future’. All boys were introduced to our theme through a virtual assembly and were excited for the activities to come within the week. Throughout the week from Pre School to Year 6 the boys have taken part in various different activities linking to our theme for this year.
The infants were lucky enough to receive a presentation from a bee keeper! Eileen the beekeeper from Harrow Beekeepers Society told us all about the importance of bees, what the job of a beekeeper is and how we can protect bees in our local area. Reception even went on to plant some bee-safe plants in our Buckingham Prep planting area.
The Juniors had a visit from Raveena, an aerospace engineering student and STEM ambassador, who told us all about her job working at Boeing. She explained the fascinating history of planes and gave us an insight into what planes might look like in the future. Some of our Year 5 and 6 boys had a go at modelling a paper plane and describing a planes key features. All of the boys had such fantastic questions and if we’d had time, I think we could have kept Raveena here all day!
If that wasn’t enough we had a visit from Jackson at AS Creatives who delivered workshops to all pupils based on our theme, there was team games, model creating and lots of interesting facts learnt from our day with Jackson.
Aside from visits, talks and workshops the pupils have been busy in their classrooms: Pre School took part in a wind experiment linking to The Three Little Pigs, while Year 5 designed eco homes following the adapted story of The Three Little Eco Pigs. Year 4 have been getting colourful with some rainbow experiments and Year 1 tested their engineering skills out with biscuit tower building.
As well as our in class learning so many boys had been busy creating science projects to share with their classes too, Miss Havers shared some of these on our social media and as teachers we have all been thoroughly impressed with the innovative minds of our Buckingham Prep boys.
The school has been a buzz with science activity this week which has been so wonderful to see. Hats off to all the pupils at Buckingham Prep for being so involved with our theme for this year, let’s see if we have any budding scientists being developed beyond our school walls in the future.
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