Academic Excellence

Welcome to Buckingham Preparatory School

Welcome to the Buckingham Preparatory school website. I hope it will give you a sense of the ethos and culture of our school, its enthusiasm, its warmth and its many achievements. Most importantly, I hope you will want to come and visit us to find out more about this successful and popular school.

students and headteacher in front of their school
students playing outdoors

Posted 05 Jul 2024

What an incredible year we have had at BPS! So many fantastic events, opportunities and success stories! To name a...

cricket students

Posted 28 Jun 2024

Year 6 had an extra end-of-BPS treat on Tuesday when they spent the morning playing rounders and having a packed...

student jumping in the air

Posted 21 Jun 2024

This was the first time for many years that both the Infant and Junior boys had a combined sports day....

chess game in class

Posted 17 Jun 2024

On Thursday 13th June 2024 members of the BPS Chess club were invited to a chess tournament with Harrow Junior Chess...

students walking through a church

Posted 14 Jun 2024

This week has been an exciting week in Reception. We have been preparing in the last few weeks for our...