The children develop their language skills in Pre-School through grown-ups modelling effective language. They develop their understanding through questioning and following simple instructions during our daily routine. Listening and attention skills are developed through carpet times and story times, using a special box and props to catch their attention and create an exciting and engaging environment which encourages them to talk about what they know.
Expressive Arts is fully embedded within the Pre-School curriculum. We learn new songs linked to topics, take part in weekly yoga and candle time and have Music lessons each week. The children have opportunities to explore a range of media and materials such as paint, oil pastels and collage. They take part in whole school expressive arts week and cooking activities.
At Buckingham Prep School we teach French as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) to all children from the age of three as part of the School curriculum. Early exposure to languages at a young age has many benefits including improving problem-solving skills and creative thinking. Games, songs and role-play encourage the boys to try new techniques, mimic sounds and speak without inhibition. Our pupils reach a high standard in all four areas: Listening and Responding; Reading; Writing; and Speaking. By the time they move on to their senior school their confidence in French gives them a distinct advantage.
The children take part in daily phonics lessons which incorporate phase one and phase two activities. They learn how to blend three sound words and identify, hear, say and write letter sounds. The children in Pre-School have daily story time and read with Miss Kelly 1:1. They learn how to hold a pencil effectively to write their names and form letters. They also learn how to draw recognisable pictures and ascribe meaning to their marks.
Maths in Pre-School is hands-on and interactive. The children learn about number in a range of ways including how to recite, touch count, order, recognise and write numerals. They gain an understanding of counting backwards and forwards through singing with props. They learn about 2D shapes and their properties and concepts of pattern, shape, size and time.
All of the children, from Pre School to Year 6, enjoy one hour of music teaching per week from a specialist music teacher. Lessons are practical, include the use of music technology, a variety of instruments and explore music from many genres and styles. Every child has the opportunity to develop their performing, composing and listening skills, additionally, many cross- curricular links are made to encompass Dance and Drama. Music is a central part of our co-curricular timetable, pupils are actively encouraged to join the BPS School Choir and all boys have performance opportunities throughout the school year. More than half of the children have individual instrumental lessons from our experienced team of peripatetic teachers.
Children in Pre-School learn how to interact and play with others and form friendships through circle time games and opportunities to self-select their learning and play. They learn how to follow a simple routine and gain confidence to talk about themselves and their feelings. They are encouraged to feel proud of their achievements through rewards, recognition and praise. The children learn that they are special in different ways and are part of a wider community of the school.
The children develop both their fine and gross motor skills at Pre-School. They take part in weekly P.E. lessons with a specialised P.E. teacher and also have opportunities to explore the Pre-School garden. They learn how to use tools such as scissors and glue- sticks safely and with control. The children learn about healthy eating through cooking activities and gain independence with their self-help skills like eating independently and putting on their coats.
We learn about all different celebrations in Pre-School such as Christmas, Diwali and Chinese New Year. The children are encouraged to share their own experiences and talk about their families. They learn about People Who Help Us in the community and have visits from members of the local community such as Vets and Fire-Fighters. The children gain an understanding of the world around them through learning and exploring growth and change. They develop their ICT skills in a range of ways through exploring technological toys and using age appropriate software on the computer.