students in class


At Buckingham Preparatory School boys move into Prep, the junior part of the school, at the end of Year 2 until they reach Year 6. Our Prep School provides a happy and purposeful atmosphere in which boys are able to feel confident and positive about school life and develop the skills to become independent learners.

We recognise that the best results are achieved when education is a partnership between home and school and that you as a parent, and your son’s first teacher, are central to his learning and development.

In Years 3 and 4 boys are taught most subjects by their form teacher.  Specialist subjects which include Art, Music, French and Sports are taught by dedicated subject teachers. The boys learn to develop their  independence in learning in order to move to the upper part of Prep which is subject taught by specialist teachers.

We try hard to keep you informed about your son’s life at school and to involve you wherever possible, through regular homework tasks and the opportunity to lend support on outings or occasionally with classroom activities. Boys participate in music and drama assemblies and productions from an early age and parents are always warmly welcomed at all times into our school.

The home-school partnership at Buckingham Preparatory School is  a very strong one and parents are kept continually up to date with their son’s progress. We provide regular opportunities for discussion of your child’s progress and development through twice yearly parents’ evening consultations and reports. The teachers are always available to speak to you on an informal basis before or after the school day so that any concerns you may have can be dealt with promptly.

Prep school boys may take part in over 5 trips during the school year, including residential trips for boys in Years 3-6. The school operates two minibuses, enabling boys in all year groups to enjoy a variety of trips in locations far and wide.

Our school prides itself on the pastoral care it provides. Small classes, and a relatively small school population, ensure that staff know boys individually and can monitor their behaviour and academic progress easily. Staff are on duty at all break-times and regular staff meetings allow them to discuss the welfare of individual pupils.

Captain of the School, School Prefects, House Captains and a Games Captain are appointed from Year 6 boys at the beginning of the academic year and Form Captains within each year group are appointed half-termly.

Day in the Life
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