The most important reason for going to school is to learn. However, we know that there is more to school than just lessons, and we provide an extensive range of clubs and activities for the children to try. For a small day school, Buckingham Preparatory School runs an impressive list of extra curricular activities, most of which are free of charge. Indeed, it is important for the pupils to be given the opportunity of learning new skills out of class and to mix with pupils from other year groups.
Below, you will find a selection of the clubs and activities which take place during the course of the school year. Although a small number run at lunch times, the vast majority operate between 3.30 p.m. and 4.40 p.m.
- Athletics
- Football/Rugby/Cricket
- Drama
- Debating and Quiz Club
- Activities Clubs (Year 1 and 2)
- Chess
- Choir
- STEAM Club
- Grammar School Club (Y5 and Y6)
- Examination Prep (Y6)
- Speech and Drama (Rough Magicke)
- Digital Illustration Club
- Judo